
RCS Live

RCS Live


Milan, Italy

Milan, Italy

Tech Emotion – Empower Human Potential


An international summit that blends technology and emotions, innovation and humanism. Two days of round tables, multimedia experiences and keynote speeches. 70 speakers, 4.9 million views on Corriere della Sera, 1.9 million on SKy TG 24. Among the speakers: Massimo Bottura, Dick Costolo, Philippe Starck, Patricia Urquiola, Sofia Goggia. Live performances by Omar Pedrini and Edoardo Bennato.

An international summit that blends technology and emotions, innovation and humanism. Two days of round tables, multimedia experiences and keynote speeches. 70 speakers, 4.9 million views on Corriere della Sera, 1.9 million on SKy TG 24. Among the speakers: Massimo Bottura, Dick Costolo, Philippe Starck, Patricia Urquiola, Sofia Goggia. Live performances by Omar Pedrini and Edoardo Bennato.

© 2023 sara fanucci
show caller & show director